My First 90 Days at HPNE: Albert Watkins

Learn about the experience of the newest member of our marketing team, Marketing Administrator Albert Watkins, in his first 90 days on #TeamHPNE.

Starting at HPNE after graduating from college was an exciting experience, although it also brought nervousness. As I transitioned from the academic world into the professional realm, I was filled with a sense of eagerness and anticipation to prove that I was ready for the next chapter of my life. This job not only marked the beginning of my career, but also represented the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to my studies. 

As I began my professional career as a Marketing Administrator, HPNE had also embarked on the start of a new journey with the exciting announcement of their acquisition by Getinge. This partnership would not only lead to a future for the company full of growth opportunities, but would quickly expand the company's resources, and product capabilities.

New Role, New Opportunities

A good support system can play a large role in one’s experience when starting a new position. I can confidently say that I am surrounded by other professionals, both new and seasoned in their roles, who are willing to help if needed, and who also grant me the space to learn as I go.

Something I’ve come to learn while being a part of the team at HPNE is that every day will always bring something new, and with this, new knowledge. As the fifth and newest member of the marketing team, I do not have a specific media channel in which I am in charge of. However this gives me the freedom to learn more about paid ads, email marketing, the ins-and-outs of social media and content, as well as all other channels that make up the work that we do. 

Additionally through my role, I have been able to assist in hosting both internal and external company events that allow HPNE to get involved with the community. One such event I supported was our recent sponsorship of the first ever CGT Circle event in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a networking event for women in biotech. We have also organized multiple color days since I began my role, which included wearing purple and teal to raise awareness for National Suicide Prevention Month, and pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As HPNE advances and expands, so will the work that I currently have on my plate, and I welcome new tasks with open arms as it will only make me a more versatile marketing professional.

My Favorite Experience So Far

Due to the rapid growth of HPNE, within my first 90 days, I have already seen the launch of two new products. Firstly, we expanded our current product offering of distribution for products from Quantex, a PSG Company with the launch of the new Q-Drive-Alpha. Secondly, we made the exciting announcement that HPNE will be the exclusive distributor of the sustainable CellScrew® Adherent Cell Expansion System from Green Elephant Biotech

Aside from product launches, I would have to say that my favorite and most memorable experience so far has been attending the ISPE Boston Product Show, a show built to showcase technical and operational solutions to support pharma and bio-pharma professionals across the globe. Taking place only a month after I started in my new role, it was a great way to get introduced into the conjoined worlds of business and biopharma. In my previous internships and jobs, I was well accustomed to a B2C model of work, so this tradeshow and the time preparing for it gave me a lot of new insights into how a B2B model of business works.

Up until this point I had also not seen many of our products in person, aside from digital renderings or pictures. It was exciting to see a lot of these products work in real time, and even get to handle some of them, such as the MasterMover SM100 Plus Electric Tug and the AllpaQ bioprocess containers. Having been only a month into my time at HPNE and playing a major part in the set-up process for our booth helped me settle into my position a lot more smoothly.

Working on #TeamHPNE

On a larger scale, working on #TeamHPNE means working towards the common goal of improving the lives of patients around the world through developments in biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology. I am proud that the products and materials I am working to market play a vital role in helping respond to various global health crises, such as the pandemic, by controlling the spread of diseases and aiding in the effort of creating valuable new treatments.

From a personal perspective, working with the team at HPNE has allowed me to work with professionals who take pride in putting their best foot forward everyday. There are so many moving parts to the work we do everyday, from marketing to sales, quality, production, engineers, and many others. In addition to admiring the work ethic and professionalism of these individuals, going to work is much more rewarding due to the friendly atmosphere the employees have created here.

Looking Ahead

In my first initial months as a part of the team, I set out to gain as much knowledge as I could, and every day I am learning something new that I can apply to my own work. When I think ahead to my future at HPNE, I know that I could face challenges, but the team here will always be there to help support me in my success. 

As a new year is quickly approaching I am excited to play a part in upcoming product launches and announcements. I am also excited to see how we can foster our current relationships with our international distributors, like BPES, Fannin, and Canada Clean Room, and hope to see more relationships like these created in 2024. HPNE is constantly growing, and I am thrilled that I get to be part of our efforts to make a real impact on the industry.

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About HPNE

As the industry needs grow, High Purity New England, Inc. continues to supply the biopharmaceutical industry with a range of innovative products, from drug discovery and development to fill-finish, including their flagship product, custom single-use assemblies, as well as pumps, sensors, bioreactor systems, storage and handling solutions and other single-use solutions. Along with their own manufactured products for the global market, they are also a distributor for more than 18 brands in North America.

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