Take Ten with Team HPNE: Meet Steve Bellanti

We chatted with International Sales Manager Steve Bellanti about his extensive experience in the biopharma industry, and acclimating to his new position at HPNE

You are currently the International Sales Manager for #TeamHPNE. Could you tell us a little bit about what a typical day entails?

A typical day is heavy with meetings in the morning, connecting with our distributors from the UK and Ireland, like BPES and Fannin, due to the time difference. We try to meet daily in order to review open projects, design rework, review open doors, and anything else needed to help facilitate progress of sales activities. Throughout these morning meetings, I will compile a task log of action items, and will use my afternoons to execute.

Can you also explain more about your role and the future of your role, including the future of the distribution network at HPNE?

In addition to working closely with distributors to manage sales activities, I am focused on learning more about the biotech market in our distributor’s regions and developing sales strategies specific to each. Also, I train our distributors on HPNE’s products like FlowMaxx Pro Quaternary Diaphragm Pumps and OptiMaxx Tangential Flow Filtration Systems, and how they fit into our customer’s processes, as well as update and educate them on industry trends. In addition, I attend customer-facing meetings and trade shows with them to further promote HPNE’s capabilities, products, and services. Currently, I am working on qualifying new distributors to further expand our global reach.

How do you think the industry has changed since you began working in biotech?

Throughout my career, I have been able to experience the advancement in single-use technologies first hand. I would say that the advancement in technology, in general, is directly proportional to the progression within the biotechnology field. For example, I was fortunate to experience the transition from paper to electronic batch records. 

You have extensive experience in sales and in the biotech industry. What would you say makes HPNE products stand out from the rest?

When it comes to single-use assemblies, HPNE excels with speed, expertise, and transparency, making their HPConnexx Single-Use Assemblies stand out from the rest. We have an incredibly knowledgeable and talented collection of teams that work together efficiently to condense delivery timelines, offer expert technical support, and superior customer and account management.

Could you tell us a little bit about the professional experiences and roles you held before HPNE, and how they led you to your current position?

I started my career in biotechnology right away by working as a manufacturing technician. I worked in many areas in biologics manufacturing, but found great interest in downstream purification. Eventually, I was promoted to Downstream Supervisor in a mainly large-scale, antiquated stainless steel manufacturing plant. During this time, I enrolled in an MBA program and attended courses to further develop my management skill set.

The next opportunity I took was when I was hired as a Downstream Supervisor to help start up a brand-new SU facility in Lexington, MA. It was a very exciting environment, and a great learning experience; not only did I learn about SU manufacturing, but I wore many hats assembling a team and seeing the facility from a construction zone though to a routine cGMP manufacturing facility. 

After five years, I was approached for a BioProcess Sales position. I spent five years in that role truly enjoying my new experience in outside sales, traveling to amazing places and learning so much more about this expansive industry that we work in. The past five years were spent as a BioProduction Sr. Account Manager working with small start-ups and also managing strategic relationships with large Biotech companies. 

That brings me to HPNE, and I am so excited to be here!

Throughout your career, you have met many professionals in the biotech industry. Has there been one professional interaction that stands out to you the most, and if so, why?

Back when I was a Downstream Supervisor starting up a new SU facility, we had many sales representatives. One stood out from the rest. This person would provide the same level of attention to a $10 widget or a $100,000 piece of equipment. He was always available, reliable, and transparent. This person made a clear impact through example and I always strive to have my customers, both internal and external, view me in that light.

You have attended a variety of trade shows throughout your career. What have been your biggest takeaways from trade shows you’ve attended?

Honestly, re-connecting with colleagues from previous companies and establishing new connections and relationships with peers in our industry. I am excited to do so at the upcoming ISPE Annual Product Show in Foxborough, Massachusetts.

During college, you studied abroad at the University of Southern Queensland. What was that like?

I must say that my study abroad experience in Australia was one of the most memorable and exciting times of my life. I have found that study abroad programs are more focused on students immersing in their respective culture, with less emphasis on curriculum. I met so many great people from all over the world and traveled the entire east coast of Australia, including Tasmania, with a pit-stop in Hawaii on the way home.

What is something you are most passionate about outside of work?

One thing I am passionate about outside of work is automobiles, which I enjoy detailing, modifying (OEM+), tuning, shifting, perfecting, preserving, admiring, and enjoying!

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About HPNE

As the industry needs grow, High Purity New England, Inc. continues to supply the biopharmaceutical industry with a range of innovative products, from drug discovery and development to fill-finish, including their flagship product, custom single-use assemblies, as well as pumps, sensors, bioreactor systems, storage and handling solutions and other single-use solutions. Along with their own manufactured products for the global market, they are also a distributor for more than 18 brands in North America.

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