HPNE-Your Once Source for Your Entire Biotechnology Process

Under the auspices of ISO 9001 2015, High Purity New England designs, tests, validates, manufactures and distributes single-use products, connectors, tubing, components and systems to the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries.

Biotechnology - Single-Use Flask that is part of HPNE's Single Use Assemblies line

Custom Single-Use Assemblies

HPConnexx is our own GMP-compliant, ISO-Certified, custom, single-use assembly service. The service includes design, optimization and construction in our own ISO Class 7 cleanroom.

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Biotechnology - BIA Seperations PATfix, for PAT ChromatographyAAV Purification

Purify all serotypes and separate empty or full capsids with fast & robust throughput. Analytical and preparative. Easy scale-up. This is where we come in!

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Biotechnology - Krohne FLEXMAG 4050C Flow Meter that works with single-use flow sensors. Instrumentation & Sensors

From stainless steel, single-use, and fixed flowmeters, to sensors and monitors that measure conductivity, pressure or temperature. We have it all!

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Biotechnology - Bioreactor SystemsBioreactor systems

The RealBio D4 TM Culture System is a revolutionary technology that replicates the natural composition, configuration and function of tissues in vitro.

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Biotechnology - Single-Use TFF featuring a WaterSep cartridge and single-use bags Single-Use Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF)

Our WaterSep membranes perform better, last longer, and save you money.

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Biotechnology - FlowMaxx Quaternary Diaphragm Pumps Pumps

We know pumps. From small to portable, single-use and stainless steel we can meet all of your companies needs.

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Biosinker Tube Weight for maintaining optimal depth in your flask. Biosinkers

The BioSinker will maintain the optimal depth and placement of your tube in order to obtain the most efficient flow possible.

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MasterMover Electric Tug, in the smallest size availablePharmaceutical Tugs

Our complete range of electric tugs are effective, safe and easy-to-use.

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AllpaQ Collapsible Bioprocess Rigid ContainersBioprocess Rigid Totes

Hygienically designed to be cost effective, functional and versatile. The containers are foldable for efficient storage, and have open access to the drain tubes for ease of operation and are competitively priced.

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Get connected with single use systems?

Optimize your bioprocess with a start-to-finish single use assembly service. HPNE are standing by right now to help with all your questions.