Take Ten with Team HPNE: Meet Kim Mitchell
For our final Take Ten of 2023, we spent some time with Technical Product Manager, Kim Mitchell. We discussed events she recently attended, the HPConnexx™ product line, and cultivating relationships in the Greater Delaware Valley
What inspired you to pursue a career in sales?
From a young age I’ve enjoyed talking to different people of all different backgrounds to gain new perspectives. In order to expand my opportunities to work with many customers from all over the world, I decided to work in technical sales. Working with customers to help them find the best solutions to their challenges, while simultaneously learning about different customs and beliefs, has been a rewarding career path for me.
How do you believe biotechnology has evolved from the beginning of your career in the industry to now?
Biotech is evolving everyday, especially in the single-use industry. I’m amazed at the research being done in the name of creating cures. As more companies communicate, we are seeing more opportunities to elevate advancements in technology. The future of biotech is truly limitless.
As a sales representative who works closely with our HPConnexx™ Single-Use assemblies, how do you believe our assemblies differentiate themselves from the rest of the market?
HPConnexx™ Single-Use Assemblies differ from our competition because of the knowledge our team of experienced industry professionals can provide. We aren’t tied to using a certain vendor for our parts, and can provide solutions by doing what is best for each customer, whether that be fast lead times, functionality, or price. The employees at HPNE bring a variety of industry backgrounds to the team which, when combined, are a powerhouse of biotech knowledge for every process.
We are so glad you are working on spearheading the expansion of our presence in the Greater Delaware Valley Region. What are some of your favorite industry events to attend in your region?
I really enjoy working with the Women in Bio Philadelphia Metro Region. We have a few events in the works that can hopefully be announced soon to promote biotechnology careers to women. Women in Bio is a great organization for connecting industry women to help network and build a footprint. I have also enjoyed attending events for ISPE, CPHI, and more. These events have provided a great way to build new and existing relationships within the industry.
In addition to attending events, you are also part of biopharma organizations such as Women in Bio. Why do you believe it is important to be involved in these groups and organizations?
Groups like Women in Bio allow a chance to network with like-minded individuals that have similar interests. I enjoy building a network, and appreciate when there are others in my field that I know I can reach out to for support. Everyone involved in these groups wants to see each other be more successful while building meaningful relationships.
What does a typical day as a Technical Product Manager for Single-Use Technologies look like, especially as a remote worker?
My typical day as a remote worker starts out answering emails and calls from customers. I am always looking to find new ways to create value for my customers, whether it be visiting their site to give input on what HPNE can provide, or hopping on virtual calls to go over projects. Much of my time is spent working to build connections in the Greater Delaware Valley Region, but specifically the Philadelphia market. I often speak to my other remote colleagues to gain insight on different industry events or what difficulties they are seeing in the market to be better equipped to solve any issues for my customers.
You have your Green Belt in Six Sigma. What inspired you to pursue that?
I have always had an operationally driven mindset, and working to make operations more efficient is a no-brainer to me. Whether in a manufacturing facility or in the sales role there is always opportunity to become more efficient. Six Sigma is a great process to outline the steps needed to make a company productive by thinking on a higher level.
What do you love about Pennsylvania and/or the Greater Delaware Valley?
I would say I love everything except the winter! I don’t like the cold, but ironically most of my extra time is spent at a cold ice rink with my kids and husband. There is so much beauty to Pennsylvania, and within a short drive you can be at the beach, skiing, or hiking hills.
What is one thing you are most passionate about outside of work?
My family. I have a husband of 12 years and two adorable boys, along with 3 exceptional step kids. I love having downtime where I get to enjoy sitting and chatting about their days. My kids keep me busy playing ice hockey and baseball, so most of my extra time is spent running from practices and games, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I mean if carbs didn’t count… I would choose homemade lasagna! It’s something that my mom always made a lot growing up. She usually made it on Sundays when the whole family was together. Now, in addition to tasting good, it brings back some great childhood memories.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a person pursuing a career in sales?
Don’t be afraid of the word “no”. I have always compared sales to speed dating. You may get 99 no’s, but that 1 yes can build a lasting relationship. In the biopharma industry, one connection can last a lifetime, so make sure you cultivate it. I always want to do everything I can to help my customers, and if I can find a solution I will. Being genuine will keep the lines open and allow for opportunities when you least expect it.
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About HPNE
As the industry needs grow, High Purity New England, Inc. continues to supply the biopharmaceutical industry with a range of innovative products, from drug discovery and development to fill-finish, including their flagship product, custom single-use assemblies, as well as pumps, sensors, bioreactor systems, storage and handling solutions and other single-use solutions. Along with their own manufactured products for the global market, they are also a distributor for more than 18 brands in North America.